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PSC Writing Platforms


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At the Bachelor’s and Master’s level, the PSC offers online training platforms in scientific writing. It can be used for self-study or embedded into courses of the Bachelor’s and Master’s curricula of our partner universities.

• For students:

Scientific writing is a core skill you must practice and master during your studies.  The key to a career in academia and beyond is based on the ability to write and communicate in a scientific and professional way to various target groups.

How to learn scientific writing: Writing is a craft, and with our process-based approach we will assist you in mastering this skill during your studies. Scientific writing requires a multi-stage process, including researching and refining your topic, developing structure, writing a draft and revising. For each stage, there are tools for tasks such as creating an outline, writing paragraphs or developing a scientific line of arguments.

Within the scientific writing platforms, you can find self-learning tutorials, a writing lab that guides you through the writing process, and guidelines for different kinds of written products for the Bachelor’s and the Master’s level.

The platforms are open to all PSC students wishing to enhance their scientific writing skills.  

• For study coordinators and lecturers:

The platforms can be integrated into 'writing across the curriculum (WAC)' through linking and using for example tutorials and guidelines in your own lectures or supervising writing processes through the writing lab. For the latter we offer possibilities of using the writing lab and embedding your own courses or adapting a personalized copy to your needs or to the needs of your department. The latter options need to be discussed and coordinated with the e-learning coordinator of your department. Please contact Urs Brändleto learn more about these options.

Tutorials, guideline and instructions are adapted to different study levels and they contain an catalogue of learning objectives. This catalogue was developed by the authors for instruction of scientific writing in a writing-across-curriculum approach at different levels of studies: from Bachelor’s to Master’s to PhD studies.

Scientific writing requires a multi-stage process, including researching and refining your topic, developing structure, writing a draft and revising. For each stage, there are tools for such tasks as creating an outline, writing paragraphs or developing a scientific argument.

Within the scientific writing platforms you can find self-learning tutorials, a writing lab that guides you through the writing process, and guidelines for different kinds of writing products for the Bachelor’s and the Master’s level.

Learning Objectives

Relevant Literature

  • Paschke, Melanie, Pauline McNamara, Peter Frischknecht und Nina Buchmann. 2011. «Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in den PflanzenwissenschaftenZeitschrift Schreiben, 21.12.2011, 1–8.
  • Paschke M, McNamara P, Frischknecht P, Buchmann N. (2010). Die onlinebasierten Schreibplattformen 'Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, WiSch' (Bachelorlevel) und 'Scientific Writing Practice, SkriPS' (Masterlevel). Vermittlung wissenschaftlicher Schreibkompetenz in der Fachdisziplin. In: Mandel S, Rutishauser M, und E Seiler Schiedt (Hrsg.): E-Learning 2010. Digitale Medien für Lehre und Forschung. Waxmann: Münster, 50–60. (

Terms for Use

License Terms: The resource was published under a Creative Commons License of “Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike”: Others can download, redistribute and alter this work following the terms of license as long as there is attribution of the authors and a link back to the project SkriPS, Scientific Writing Practice, Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center.

Team (in alphabetical order)

  • Nina Buchmann (editorial board),
  • Peter Frischknecht (editorial board),
  • Aelys Humphreys (web content),
  • Philip Mayer (content),
  • Pauline McNamara (content),
  • Melanie Paschke (project manager, instructional design, editorial board, content).


Project funded by the Fond Filep and the former S-ENETH, ETH Zurich 2009.

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