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Past News 2022

Summer School 2022 – Application of Machine Learning in Plant Sciences

Application of Machine Learning in Plant Sciences

12-16 September 2022, EinsiedelnSwitzerland

The Summer School will provide an overview of current machine learning (ML) techniques, their challenges and opportunities. ML is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so.

The Summer School is especially aimed at participants with a background in plant sciences. You will gain an understanding of the concept of ML and insights into its potential and possible applications. You will learn how ML is being used in research fields of soil science, microbiology, ecology, biodiversity, agriculture, plant breeding, and plant pathology.

The Summer School will bring together a multidisciplinary group of participants and facilitate project-based teamwork to strengthen collaborations in different fields and to foster networking.

Visit the Summer School Website for details and registration!

Contact: Barbara Templ

Alpine Plant Ecology – Summer School 2022

Flyer Summer School 2022 Furka

This graduate course is offered by the University of Basel and the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC) for advanced biology students with basic plant science training. Course topics include microclimatology, ecophysiology, biodiversity, reproductive biology, vegetation, and ecosystem ecology.

The course includes lectures, field excursions and project work. Participation is limited to 24 students. Full board cost is CHF 400 (exclusive travel expenses). For registration refer to flyer.

Flyer (PDF, 1 MB)

Theme Event: Sustainable Energy - Who Will Lead the Way?

Sustainable Energy 2022

Energy demands are evolving fast for electricity and at the same time, we have aggressive goals to cut carbon emissions. Energy infrastructure projects will require long-term investments, so finance and governments are key to the solutions.

Join our panel discussion with speakers from academia, business and the public sector. "What next steps should we take...":

Eight doctoral students, being part of the RESPONSE program, will present their work on specific solutions for a sustainable energy system.

RESPONSE Public Event: Sustainable Energy - Who Will Lead the Way?!


Brief an eine Pflanze – Aquarellfarben aus Blütenblättern


PSC Workshop im Rahmen des Fascination of Plants Day.
18. Mai 2022, 13.30–16.00 Uhr
Aquarellfarben aus Blütenblättern
Plant Blindness ist ein Wahrnehmungsfehler, den viele Menschen haben und der dazu führt, dass wir Pflanzen ausblenden. Dies ist nicht nur in der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der Kunst ein Thema und beeinflusst unsere Reaktion als Gesellschaft auf den Klimawandel. In diesem zweieinhalbstündigen Workshop werden wir in der Tradition von Künstlerinnen wie Iris von Roten oder Pipilotti Rist – welche Pflanzen eine Hauptrolle in ihren Arbeiten zusprechen – ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Farben von Blütenblättern werfen. Wir besprechen, weshalb sich Form und Farbe durch den Klimawandel verändern können und stellen aus Blütenblättern Aquarellfarben her, mit denen wir einen Brief an eine Pflanze schreiben – vielleicht ist es ja sogar ein Liebesbrief?

Altersempfehlung: ab 16 Jahren. Max. 8-10 Personen.
Kurskosten: Materialgebühr CHF 20 und Kursgebühr CHF 30.
Ort: Beim Klimagarten 2085 im Anna Zemp Natur- und Schaugarten in Männedorf.
Flyer mit Link zur Anmeldung (PDF, 438 KB)

Highly-cited researchers

Congratulations to all Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center members listed as highly cited researchers in 2021!

Johan Six, ETH Zurich

Jordi Bascompte, University of Zurich
Christian Körner, emeritus University of Basel
Klaus Schläppi, University of Basel
Marcel van der Heijden,University of Zurich & Agroscope

Plant & Animal Science
Enrico Martinoia, emeritus, University of Zurich
Cyril Zipfel, University of Zurich

Each year the Web of Science publishes a list recognizing the world-class researchers. They are selected for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by producing multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science.
WebOfScience Highly-cited 2021

feminno – innovation and career development program for female scientists

feminno 4th call news

The sixth call with start date in September 2022 is now open for application




This program addresses female researchers from Life Sciences currently working as a PhD student, Postdoc, researcher or group leader at the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich or another Swiss University. Female professionals and alumnae holding a Master’s degree will have the opportunity to join through the School of Continuing Education at ETH Zurich.

Experienced career advisers, coaches, innovation experts and executives from successful life-science enterprises share their work experience and will inspire the participants to pro-actively mature their ideas and with their personal development. feminno is coordinated by the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center and supported Life Science Zurich and further partners.

More information