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Past News 2020

Connectivity – Plant interactions reloaded

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Join us for the PSC Symposium 2020 that will highlight the manifold interactions plants are engaged in.

2 Dec 2020, 9:15–17:00, online event on Zoom.

Registration and abstract submission:

RESPONSE: Call 3 for PhD candidates – 8 new positions available

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The RESPONSE Doctoral Programme (DP) is offering 8 early-stage researcher’s (ESR) positions for 36 months (100%) at the interface of science and policy, as well as in science and innovation at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich.

PhD fellows will spend a mandatory secondment (= internship) of 3 to 12 months at selected partner organizations such as Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL (CH), WWF US (USA), SPYGEN (FR), Swiss Academy of Sciences, Biodiversity Forum (CH), Face the Future (Uganda), Swiss Federal Office of Energy (CH), ProSpecieRara (CH), Syngenta (CH), and South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (SEARRP, Malaysia). The specific time and duration of the secondment is indicated in the individual position announcement.

Application deadline is: 1 December 2020 (23:00h).

RESPONSE website

feminno – innovation and career development program for female scientists

feminno 4th call news

The fourth call for applications for feminno program is open until July 30st.

This program addresses female researchers from Life Sciences currently working as a PhD student, Postdoc at the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich or another Swiss University.

Experienced career advisers, coaches, innovation experts and executives from successful life-science enterprises share their work experience and will inspire the participants to pro-actively mature their ideas and with their personal development. feminno is coordinated by the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center and supported Life Science Zurich and further partners.

More information

RESPONSE call 3: Submit research project proposals (members only)


New: Call 3 for research project proposals for the Doctoral Programme «RESPONSE - to society and policy needs through plant, food and energy sciences» just opened. The call exclusively addresses members of the PSC, WFSC and ESC.

Deadline for proposal submission is: 30 June 2020.
Proposal documents and templates are available on the RESPONSE website.

RESPONSE: Call 2 for PhD candidates – 7 new positions available

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The RESPONSE Doctoral Program is currently offering 7 PhD positions (early-stage researcher) for 36 months (100%) each. Work at the interface of science & policy, and of science & innovation at the ETH Zurich, University of Zurich or the University of Basel.

RESPONSE website

CreativeLabZ geht Online – Digitale Kreativität für Kinder und Jugendliche

CreativeLabZ online

When the going gets tough the tough get creative
CreativeLabZ und MuDA haben die aktuelle Situation zum Anlass genommen, im Schnelltempo Onlinekurse zu entwickeln, um Alternativen für die schulfreien Tage zu bieten.
In unserem virtuellen Makerspace können Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 16 Jahren lernen, Spass haben und eine Online Community aufbauen. Mit Hilfe von Livestreaming und Videos zeigen wir ihnen, wie sie programmieren und einen Micro-Controller steuern können oder eine Webcam in ein Mikroskop umwandeln, um damit Algen anzuschauen. Mit häuslichen Materialien wie Papier und Schnur können sie auch ein Virus-Modell bauen und dabei die effiziente Geometrie dieser Lebewesen erforschen. Die Anmeldung erfolgt online und wir schicken den TeilnehmerInnen ein Starterkit per Post nach Hause.
Anmeldung und Infos unter
Die Kurse sind gratis. Ein kleiner Unkostenbeitrag für Material und Versand werden verrechnet.

Alpine Plant Ecology – Summer School 2020, postponed to 2021

Flyer Summer School 2020 Furka

This graduate course is offered by the University of Basel and the Zürich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC) for advanced biology students with basic plant science training. Course topics include microclimatology, ecophysiology, bio- diversity, reproductive biology, vegetation and ecosystem ecology. The course will include lectures, field excursions and project work. Participation is limited to 24 students. Full board costs are CHF 400 (exclusive travel expenses). For registration refer to flyer.

Flyer (PDF, 462 KB)