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PSC offers a diversity of platforms for public outreach where cutting-edge plant science research comes to life. PSC organises symposia, round tables, citizen fora, teacher and school class workshops, science holiday camps, family expeditions and exhibitions. PSC also participates in major science fairs such as Scientifica, Treffpunkt Science City and the International Fascination of Plants Day.
Our education specialists develop curriculum and teaching exercises related to research happening at ETH Zurich, University of Basel, and University of Zurich. We are offering school class workshops, project weeks and continuing education for secondary and high school teachers.
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This travelling art-science experiment brings climate change scenarios to a tangible human temporal and spatial scale. Science and art help in visioning our future green cities, landscapes and agriculture.
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Through brief interactions, neighborhood residents are encouraged to change their eating habits at home as well. The aim is to achieve lifestyle and consumer habits that respect the 1.5°C climate target households. We organize hands-on activities and workshops as inspiration for implementing the Planetary Health Diet (PHD) and on food waste prevention.
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NACHTAKTIV combines entertainment, art and science. Every two months, on Thursday evenings, PSC organises a party-style event in a museum aimed specifically at young people (15–30 years). Science activities are led by students of ETH Zurich, University of Zurich and University of Basel. Selected spin-offs enrich the programme with their inventions. Each event focuses on themes that complement the museum’s current exhibition.
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