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PSC excels with its wide variety of research fields in plant and environmental sciences: from the molecule to the gene to the cell, and from plants and crops in farming systems to whole ecosystems and earth systems. We facilitate matchmaking between our research groups and innovative SMEs, private investors for either contracted research or for partnerships. See offers for industry.

PSC aims to enhancing innovation capacities and offers entrepreneurial training, industry mentoring and networking opportunities.

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Early Career Meeting (ECM) at the Annual SwissPLANT

16 - 17 January 2024, Les Diablerets

The ECM is meant as an event for young researchers organized by young researchers. The meeting is aimed at PhD students nearing the completion of their project and postdocs.

The selection of participants will be based on the submitted abstract.

The call will be published in late summer.

Organizer: Swiss Society of Plant Biology
