Kirsten Bomblies
- Plant Evolutionary Genetics
Andrea Carminati
- Physics of Soils and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Alexander Damm
- Remote Sensing of Water Systems
Benjamin Engel
- Molecular architecture of cells
Ueli Grossniklaus
- Plant Developmental Genetics
Janneke Hille Ris Lambers
Johanna Jacobi
- Agroecological Transitions
Ansgar Kahmen
- Physiological Plant Ecology
Lukas Keller
- Animal Evolutionary Biology
Pascal Niklaus
- Soil Ecology and Global Change
Anne Roulin
- Plant Evolutionary Genomics
Florian Schiestl
- Plant Pollinator Interactions
Klaus Schläppi
- Plant Microbe Interactions
Kentaro Shimizu
- Evolutionary Functional Genomics
Sara Simonini
- Epigenetics and Plant Development
Johan Six
- Sustainable Agroecosystems
Marcel van der Heijden
- Plant-Microbiome Interactions
Alex Widmer
- Plant Ecological Genetics
Yvonne Willi
- Plant Ecology and Evolution
Cyril Zipfel
- Molecular and Cellular Plant Physiology
Tobias Züst
- Plant Insect Interactions