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  • Furrer,  Florian,  Juanita  Schläpfer-Miller,  Bernadette  Spieler,  und  Manuela  Dahinden (2023).  BioTinkering  –  Biologie  als  faszinierendes  Making-Thema in den Naturwissenschaften. Überlegungen zur Konzeption und Durchführung von BioTinkering-Aktivitäten. MedienPädagogik56 (Making & more): 69–97.


  • Schlaepfer-Miller, J., Kueffer, C. & Dahinden, M. Climate Garden 2085: An easily applicable transdisciplinary public art-science experiment for transformative learning about climate change. Environ Dev Sustain (2023).


  • Bernadette Spieler, Tobias M. Schifferle, and Manuela Dahinden (2022). Exploring Making in Schools: A Maker-Framework for Teachers in K12. In 6th FabLearn Europe / MakeEd Conference 2022 (FabLearn Europe / MakeEd 2022), May 30–31, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.


  • Bernadette Spieler, Tobias M. Schifferle, and Manuela Dahinden (2022). The "Making at School" Project: Planning Interdisciplinary Activities. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Vol 2 (ITiCSE 2022), July 8–13, 2022, Dublin, Ireland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1 page.


  • Schläpfer-Miller J. (2021). Climate Garden 2085: An Art-Science Experiment Promoting Different Ways of Knowing About Climate Change. In: Achiam M., Dillon J., Glackin M. (eds) Addressing Wicked Problems through Science Education. Contributions from Science Education Research, vol 8. Springer, Cham.


  • Vega, K.A., Schlaepfer, J., Kueffer, C. (2021). Discovering the wild side of urban plants through public engagement. Plants, People, and Planet; 00: 1– 13.                                                              The citizen science project «Where seeds fall» examined the survival chances of urban plant populations and their genetic diversity. The goal was to document which plants are growing spontaneously in the city of Zurich and how they are influenced by the surrounding biodiversity. The more flowers in the vicinity, the more flowers reach your own garden.


  • Melanie Paschke, Karina Zurgilgen. Science-policy boundary work by early-stage researchers (PDF, 948 KB). Recommendations for teaching, internships and knowledge transfer GAIA 28/3 (2019): 310 – 315 | Keywords: curriculum, Delphi study, evaluation, internships, policy training for early-stage researchers, science-policy boundary work, science-policy PhD program, transdisciplinary teaching


  • Paschke, M. & Buchmann, N. (2012). Verantwortungsvolles Handeln in der Wissenschaft: Vermittlung durch Blended-Learning, Rollenspiel und Cognitive Apprenticeship. In Csanyi, G., Reichl, F., Steiner, A. (Hrsg.) Digitale Medien - Werkzeuge für Forschung und Lehre. Waxmann, Münster: 232-235: