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RESPONSE Outreach activities include a wide range of target-actions aiming to transfer and discuss research outcomes with different parts of society. Among others, each RESPONSE was supposed to attend at least one stakeholder event on one of the RESPONSE subjects.
Save the 5th of December 2024 (2 to 7 pm) and look forward to exciting talks by leading scientists addressing the areas of sustainable food systems, sustainable energy systems and sustainable land use decisions.
Location: ETH Zurich, Audimax, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich
Conference webpage and registration
For any additional inquiries or requests for participation, please don't hesitate to contact us directly: Luisa Last
An diesem Fireside Chat des Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center und des Franxini Projekt zum Thema "Zukunft der Landnutzung in der Schweiz unter dem neuen Globalen Biodiversitätsrahmen (COP 15)" diskutierten wir am 26. September 2023 an der ETH Zürich, was es für die Landnutzung in der Schweiz bedeuten würde, wenn die an der COP15 formulierten Biodiversitätsziele schweizweit umgesetzt werden. Zusammen mit Vertreter*innen aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Verwaltung und Wirtschaft besprechen wir mögliche Lösungen in einem offenen Austausch.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf derEvent Webseite oder dem PSC Blog - Engaging in a Science and Policy Dialogue unter dem Artikel
Science & Policy Stakeholder Event
RESPONSE Doktorand:innen leiteten die seperaten Diskussionsrunden und präsentierten ihre Projekte im Rahmen einer Posterausstellung (PDF, 37 MB). Diese Veranstaltung fand in deutscher Sprache statt.
On June 16, 2022, the stakeholder event on "Sustainable Energy System - Who Will Lead the Way?" was hosted by the Energy Science Center Zurich GreenBuzz & Siemens in Zug. RESPONSE fellows presented their research and discussed with the public. The RESPONSE fellows Arnau Aliana, Manuel Belanche, Linda Brodnicke, Sudesh Dahal, Susanne Rhein, Katrin Sievert, Bessie Noll, Dabwiso Sakala and Fei Wu attended this event.
More details are available on the PSC Blog - Engaging in a Science and Policy Dialogue
Summary from Response Thematic Event: Sustainable Energy System – Who Will Lead the Way?
On June 2, 2021, this stakeholder event on "The Need for Climate Resilient Food Systems" was hosted by Dr. Martijn Sonnevelt WFSC & GreenBuzz in Zurich. Seven RESPONSE fellows presented their research by 4-minute flash light talks and discussed the questions of the public. These were the topics presented:
Can plants switch on and off genes to rapidly adapt to a changing climate?- Danli Fei and Dusan Denic
What tools do plant breeders have to improve the resilience of crops? - Katharina Jung, Reah Gonzales and Yuanyuan Liang
Further RESPONSE attendees were: Laurent Giguere and Yutang Chen (no record available)
The 3rd RESPONSE annual meeting was composed as follows:
The 2nd RESPONSE annual meeting was composed as follows:
The 1st RESPONSE annual meeting was composed as follows: