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PSC is project partner in the SOR4D-project funded by SNF/ DEZA:
The project chaired by PD Dr. Caroline Weckerle at University of Zurich will explore the role of museums as agents of change for effective, safe, culturally embedded, and sustainable knowledge transfer in Uganda. The projectpartners will combine epidemiology, ethnobotany and socio-cultural research to analyze underlying dynamics and interrelations of contemporary knowledge transmission in the field of Traditional Medicine.
Herbarium specimens are preserved historical records of species that hold a wealth of information, including genetic information and ecological data. The E-Specimina project aims at leveraging preserved plant specimens to support biodiversity research and to foster Open Science practices. The idea is to increase scientific and educational use of digital natural history collections (NHCs) by improving interoperability and access to data. A key aspect is raising the awareness of the importance of integrating all organismal research data in line with ORD criteria and FAIR principles. Coordinated by Reto Nyffeler – Curator of the Herbarium and Botanical Garden at the University of Zurich. Funded by swissuniversities.
For the ENGAGE initiative, ETH Zurich, EPFL, Eawag, Empa and WSL are joining forces to create a national-level platform for dialogue between science and society. The aim is to promote mutual understanding and develop educational opportunities for researchers. PSC’s role here will be to develop and implement teaching formats that train researchers and stakeholders on how to engage in policy dialogues on wicked societal problems in an open, respectful, and solution-oriented manner. Coordinated by Christian Stamm – EAWAG.