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Registration to PhD Program

Students who have been accepted for a PhD position in a PSC member's group, refer to "Track II" instructions below. 

Required qualifications

  • Applicants (Track I and II) must hold a university Master's degree (or equivalent) before starting one of the PSC PhD Programs. Please note that we do not accept degrees from Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen).
  • Applicants must have good knowledge of English.

There are two ways to join a PSC PhD Programs (so-called Track I and Track II)

Track II

Track II Registration: In case of an open PhD position in a  members  or affiliated member's group, you may submit your application as indicated by the job advertisement. 

Once a professor/group leader has identified a suitable PhD candidate, s/he holds a formal admission interview with the applicant. The interview is conducted in the presence of at least one additional group leader or faculty member.  The supervisor at University of Zurich and ETH Zurich also fills out a short interview protocol (template (PDF, 64 KB)) to be submitted to the PSC together with the registration form (PDF, 196 KB).

Note: University of Basel PhD candidates do not need this interview protocol. Simply submit the PSC registration form to join the PhD program in Plant Sciences OR Science and Policy.

Students entering via Track II who wish to join a PSC PhD program should register within three months of enrolling, using the PSC registration form (PDF, 196 KB). However, registering later is possible.

Track I

File an application via the Life Science Zurich Graduate School

Applications are evaluated by an admission committee. Selected candidates are invited for an interview, to be held in Zurich in early January (November 1, deadline) or in July (May 1, deadline).

Final acceptance for a PhD position depends on:

  • Successfully completing the admission interview.
  • Finding a PhD position in one of the participating research groups.
  • Fulfilling the formal admission requirements of the ETH Zurich, University of Zurich or University of Basel.

After the successful recruitment by a professor, please submit your signed registration form (PDF, 196 KB) to the PSC.

For questions about the Track I process (e.g. positions, application, interview, etc.), please consult the FAQ section of LSZGS.