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Past PSC Symposia (Archive)

The PSC organizes annual symposia on topics at the forefront of the plant sciences. These events are open to everyone and provide an opportunity for young scientists to interact with experts in diverse research areas. In alternate years, the PhD students of PSC doctoral programmes take the lead to plan and implement the symposium (* marks all symposia organized by PSC PhD-students).

Past Symposia

* Symposium organized by PSC PhD students.

Year Title

The impact of plant sciences on our lives

2023 Poster with program (PDF, 607 KB)


From Place to Space: Tracing the Spatial Dimension of Plant Sciences

2022 Poster with program (PDF, 973 KB)

2022 Abstract booklet (PDF, 1 MB)

Conference webpage


Patterns in Nature and Plant Sciences

2021 Poster with program (PDF, 1 MB)

2021 Abstract booklet (PDF, 1 MB)


Connectivity – Plant interactions reloaded

2020 Poster with program (PNG, 4 MB)

2020 Abstract booklet (PDF, 342 KB)


Plant Response to Environment Across Scales

2019 Symposium abstract booklet (PDF, 1 MB)

2019 Poster and program (PDF, 1 MB)


Breakthroughs in Plant Sciences

2018 Symposium booklet (PDF, 2 MB)

Conference webpage


Dynamics of Plant Development and Evolution

2017 Symposium booklet (PDF, 704 KB)


Plants for Health

2016 Symposium booklet (PDF, 1 MB)

Conference webpage


Unlocking the Potential of Diversity

2015 Symposium booklet (PDF, 642 KB)

2014* Rooted – Successful Strategies of Sessile Beings
2013 Plants in a Changing Climate

Trends and Advances in Plant Biology


Plants Replacing Fossil Fuels?


Understanding Plant Phenotypes

2010* Plants Meeting Future Challenges – Food and Energy for Society in a Changing Environment
2009 Plant-Microbe Interactions
2008* Plants and People – Mutual Dependence in the 21st Century
2007 Plant Reproductive Systems – From the Molecular Basis of Reproduction to Pollination Ecology
2006* Feeding the Needs of Tomorrow – Plant Sciences from Basics to Applications
2005 Plant Genome Evolution and Regulation
2004 Plant Systems Biology – From Cells to Communities
2004* Challenges in Plant Sciences
2003 Plant Health
2002 Molecular Evolution and Development in Plants
2002 Symposium Program
2001 Crop Improvement through Understanding Plant Biology – the Root System

Biodiversity and conservation, chemical signalling, new research directions in Zurich


Gene networks and plant-environment interactions

1998 First PSC Symposium
