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The PSC PhD Program in Science and Policy requires completion of 12 ECTS (ETHZ & UZH, credit points) and 18 ECTS (UNIBAS) from courses organized or accredited by the PSC. This includes: PSC courses, Life Science Zurich Graduate School (LSZGS) courses, and university courses in the area of transferable skills.

Additional ECTS (to the 12 or 18 ECTS, respectively) are not mandatory but can be obtained from Life Science Zurich Graduate School (LSZGS) courses, PSC and other university courses in the area of transferable skills.

For your curriculum choose courses from the table below. The table is taken from PhD Program Science and Policy Guidelines (1MB) (PDF, 615 KB):

Activities ECTS
Compulsory Activity
  • Minimum 4 out of 6 modules Policy Workshops, offered by the PSC, 2 ECTS each:
    • Evidence-based Policy-making
    • Stakeholder Engagement
    • Communicating Science
    • Building Political Support
    • Analysis and Communication of Risks and Uncertainties
    • Understanding Policy Evaluation
  • 1 Lecture in Introduction to Political Sciences, min. 1 ECTS (see Approved Science and Policy Courses)
  • All PhD students enrolled on or after 1.1.2022 at ETHZ must attend a course on "Research Integrity" at your department (1 ECTS -> registration through MyStudies)
  • All PhD students (ETHZ, UZH, UNIBAS) enrolled before 1.1.2022 must attend the course  Introductory Lecture to Good Scientific Practice (GSP) and Scientific Integrityfrom LSZGS, at least.

Remainder of 12 or 18 ECTS* may be chosen from:

Elective Activities from the Science & Policy Program

  • Specialized Course: Strategic Foresight and Scenario Building (1 ECTS)
  • Specialized Course: Systems Thinking and Design for Social Change and in Policymaking (1 ECTS)

Other Elective Activities

  • Technical Courses: Intensive workshops on skills, methods and techniques in your domain
  • Transferable Skill Courses from PSC, LSZGS or universities (GRACE)
  • Official course lists (e.g., ETHZ, UZH or UNIBAS)
  • Participation in 1 international scientific symposium with own scientific contribution (oral or poster presentation) (1 ECTS)
  • Part of PSC PhD Symposium committee (2 ECTS)
  • ETHZ: committee work (min. 1 year of participation) (1 ECTS)
  • UZH: Engagement in Green labs (max. 2 ECTS)


3 or 9, respectively*

* AT UNIBAS, a total of 18 ECTS are requested. Please consult the PhD regulations of your host institution and get the approval of your principal investigator or thesis committee.

min. 12 / 18*

Accreditation for other courses (ECTS)

Participation in other courses (national/international) needs prior agreement of your PhD supervisor.

All ECTS acquired outside of ETHZ, UZH or UNIBAS and associated PhD Programs need a confirmed accreditation through the PSC office: fill the form in the submenu Procedures → Accreditation of external courses. 

PSC offers courses in collaboration with Life Science Zurich Graduate School, ETHZ, UZH and UNIBAS. Students have to make sure to follow accreditation procedures for all other courses.


The PhD program in Plant Sciences is offering the course Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students (D-USYS) in spring term, however all research integrity courses hosted by your department are also accepted.

Weiterführende Informationen

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Science & Policy Overview

This flyer contains information about the registration for the PhD Program in Science & Policy (6 pages).