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Partner Organizations

Networking is essential to our mission. We collaborate with universities, research institutes, non-governmental organizations and industry partners, as a key element in scientific advancement. This list highlights some of our recent collaborations.

Swiss Plant Science Web (SPSW)

The SPSW is the umbrella organization for research and education in academic plant science in Switzerland. It is composed of three regional university networks with more than 130 research group leaders:

  • ALPS - Arc lémanique plant science – Universities of Geneva and Lausanne
  • BeNeFri Network - Universities of Berne, Neuchâtel, and Fribourg
  • Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center - Universities of Zurich and Basel, and ETH Zurich

RESPONSE Doctoral Program

The RESPONSE Doctoral Programme (DP) «RESPONSE - to society and policy needs through plant, food and energy sciences» is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 847585. 

Up to 35 fellowships can be co-funded at ETH Zurich, University of Zurich and University of Basel - and the three internationally renowned competence centers Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC), the World Food System Center and Energy Science Center.

JRC-PSC Collaborative Doctoral Program

Within the JRC-PSC Collaborative Doctoral Program ETH Zurich and University of Zurich can each host 5 PhD students in the topics:

- Soil and land use change


- Bio-economy and forests

Zurich University of Teacher Education

In collaboration with Bernadette Spieler (Zurich University of Teacher Education, PHZH) we develop cross-disciplinary learning materials for schools in computational thinking and plant biology. The Making@School project is one of the ten first innovation projects of the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH).

More about the project…

Zurich University of the Arts

In collaboration with Renate Lerch (Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK) we develop STEAM activities and learning environments for youth that facilitate creativity, scientific literacy and critical-thinking.

Students with specialization in Aesthetic Education and Socioculture within the bachelor’s degree in Art Education (BAE) visit our science labs and based on this input they create interactive activities for youth or adults. Two or more of the BAE students undertake an 11-week internship at the Plant Science Center, where in collaboration with a science communicator they create hands on activities for the public. 

As part of the project work, the art students are asked to carry out a situation and needs analysis and to analyze the social space or sociocultural context.

More about the project…

Netzwerk Pop Up Science Schweiz

Das Netzwerk Wissenschaft für Kinder und Jugendliche – Pop Up Science Schweiz will wissenschaftsferne und sozioökonomisch benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche gezielt fördern, um sie auf die Bewältigung zukünftiger beruflicher wie gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen vorzubereiten.

Mit einer gemeinsamen Strategie und vernetzten Aktivitäten wollen die Trägerorganisationen Science et Cité, Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center, mint & pepper und das Schweizer Kinderhilfswerk Kovive Angebote zur MINT-Förderung und Wissenschaftsvermittlung in Zusammenarbeit mit Sozialpartnern, Hochschulen und Akteuren in den Gemeinwesenarbeit ausbauen und qualitativ vorantreiben.


ETH MINT Lernzentrum

In collaboration with Ralph Schumacher and biology teachers at the MINT-​Lernzentrums der ETH Zürich we developed eight different school class workshops. Das MINT-​Lernzentrum ist Teil des ETH-​Kompetenzzentrums für Lehren und Lernen, EducETH.

More about the project…

feminno Mentoring Program

feminno gives female researchers guidance on how they can start and master a successful innovation process. As an accelerator and mentoring program it offers the opportunity to specifically combine research from the perspective of academic research with innovation and industry. Together with experienced career advisors, coaches, innovation experts and executives from successful life science compa- nies, participants work on finding ideas for innovation projects, as well as devel- oping their career paths and connect to related professional networks.

Project partners 

Life Science Zurich – University of Zurich and ETH Zurich
Office for Gender Equality – University of Zurich and University Basel 

Career Services – University of Zurich

More about the project...

PlantHUB Doctoral Program

PlantHUB was an European Industrial Doctoral Programme (EID) funded by the H2020 PROGRAMME Marie Curie Actions - Peopole, Initial Training Networks (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016).

From December 2016 until November 2020 PlantHUB offered training to 10 PhD students in skills and competencies necessary to apply responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the area of plant breeding and production.

As an ITN program, 50% of the PhD time was spent in a partnering industry company in Europe:

CARLSBERG GROUP, Carlsberg Research Laboratory (Denmark)

Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (Germany)

BASECLEAR BV (The Netherlands)



IDP BRIDGES Innovative Doctoral Program

IDP BRIDGES was an Innovative Doctoral Program funded by the Seveth Framework Programme (FP7) Marie Curie Actions - People, Initional Training Networks (ITN).

From November 2013 until October 2017  a total of 14 PhD students were supported, who work in the most challenging areas of plant sciences at ETH Zurich, University of Zurich and University of Basel.

The PhD students received tandem supervision by researchers in the PSC network and by representatives of policy-implementing organizations in Switzerland, Europe, USA, Africa or Asia.

PLANT FELLOWS Post Doctoral Program

PLANT FELLOWS was an international Postdoc fellowship program coordinated by the PSC. The program supported scholars from around the world between 2012-2016; 13 European and 7 international research institutions and 3 industry partners acted as host organisations. PLANT FELLOWS provided some 60 fellowships, training, and mentoring.

The European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO)

EPSO, the European Plant Science Organisation, is an independet academic organisation currently representing 69 institutional members bringing together more than 200 research institutes, departments and universities from 31 countries in Europe and beyond.

EPSO's mission is to improve the impact and visibility of plant science in Europe.

EPSO's top priorities are to provide advice on science policy towards a strategic approach and critical mass funding for basic and applied research across Europe, to coordinate research activities at the national and European levels - and beyond, and to facilitate the understanding of plant science.

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